Results Task 2
Gymnase de Morges - Class 1M01
Poster: What are the factors that influence a plant's growth?
Gymnasium Bäumlihof - Class 3i
Gymnasium Burgdorf - Class 16c
Gymnasium Köniz-Lerbermatt - Class 16ei
Gymnasium Laufental-Thierstein - Class 1B
Gymnasium Laufental-Thierstein - Class 1JB
Poster: Does the roots change the direction when they encounters poison?
Gymnasium Thun-Schadau - Class 17gA
Kantonsschule am Burggraben - Class 3aL
Kantonsschule Frauenfeld - Class Freikurs SimplyScience
Poster: How does the speed of the growth of cressroots variates subject to minerals in the water?
Kantonsschule Trogen - Class SF5A
Kantonsschule Trogen - Class SF5B
Kantonsschule Wettingen - Class G1F
Poster: Can cress roots detect irritations and how do they react on it?
Kantonsschule Wettingen - Class G2B
Kantonsschule Zug - Class 4E
Poster: Turning gravity around - How do roots react to pulling forces?
Kantonsschule Zug - Class 4G
Poster: Underground battle - Cress attacks roots with chemistry
Liceo Lugano 1 - Class 3HN
Liceo Lugano 1 - Class 3JN
Neue Kantonsschule Aarau - Class 3B
Stifsschule Einsiedeln - Class SFBC 4
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